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Tribal Artifacts

Zeppelin AND TRENCH ART Memorabilia























































































28 February 2025


R1 - Collection of Roman Glass, various prices, please contact me for further photographs and prices

Provenance: Late John Gair collection

Z532 - Very large piece of Zeppelin Wreckage stating it was from Wigborough.

Excitement came to the small village of Little Wigborough on the night of 24 September 1916, with the crash of the German Zeppelin airship L33. The airship had been on a bombing raid over London and was returning to Germany. She was, however, hit by gunfire over the East End and she then struggled to stay aloft.

Total Length 54 cms. width 15 cms, length of the actual wreckage 26 cms.

Z532 - £495

Z531- WW1 Zepplin piece of the wire of the first Zeppelin brought down at Cuffley, Herts, September 3rd, 1916.  The wire having been given to the British Red Cross Society by H.M. War Office, it is being sold to help the wounded at the front. Price 1s/-- - SOLD

Z528 - Enamel sign advertising Eat Zeppelin Bread, its light as air. 10c. Schultz's German American Bakery, Massilion, Ohio. 14" x 11".

purchased approx. 30 years ago in New York. - £55

Z527 - Porcelain Plate Zeppelin with the words: Flug-u-Zeppelin - Hafen Gaststatton. makers mark on reverse with crossed swords. 7.5" diameter. - £45

Z526 - Wreckage from U.S.S. Shenandoah which crashed on Sept. 3rd 1925. with signed notary statement 1.2.03. It reads:

In the early 1960's my Dad and his Uncle and myself went on a trip to Ava Ohio, where the U.S.S. Shenandoah had crashed on Sept. 3rd. 1925.  I was there when they bought a very nice size piece of girder and some fabric from an old woman who was living just a few houses away from the sight of the crash.  I certify that this is a piece from that girder from the rigid Airship, U.S.S. Shenandoah. including a photograph of the U.S.S. Shenandoah.


Z524 - Envelope with original writing containing Zeppelin wreckage reads: Rivets, Shards and skin (missing) from the Zeppelin brought down at Snails Farm, Billericay, 1916. - £145
  The following lots marked in red are Provenance from the late John Gair collection

Z513 - 4 Pieces of WW1 Zeppelin wreckage with Old Label which reads:

Part of "Zep" Aluminium - Relic of "Zep" brought down by Liut. Robinson V.C. at Cufflewy on Sept. 2nd 1916. This was picked up by Col. Watkin and given to me by Capt. Duncanson. Ref Z513 - £325

Z507 - 3 Old postcards of Prussian Pilots - £15
  The following lots from Z514-Z520 are from the Collection of Dr. Anthony Robb-Smith in WW1 called to Woolwich Hospital thence became Capt in the RMAC based at Le Havre and Honfleur died of illness 1917 verified byson Alistair of Oxfordshire.
Z514 - Piece of incendiary bomb fdropped from Zeppelin during the raid on Woolwich Oct. 13th 1915. L.13 dropped one HE and five incendiary bombs on the Arsenal injuring nine men. L13 then headed out to sea.  -SOLD
Z515 - WW1 - Piece of Schapnel taken from Chest at Hill 70 by Capt. King -SOLD
Z517 - WW1 - Part of an explosive bomb (5 pieces)dropped from a Zeppelin during a raid on Woolwich Oct. 13th 1915 - £110
Z518 - WW1 - Piece of Glass broken explosion of bomb dropped from Zeppelin at ? Lane, Oct. 13th 1915 - £45
Z519 - WW1 - Piece of Envelope of Airship Silver Queen wrecked at Walthamstowe June 1916 with photo postcard of the Silver Queen. - £65
Z491 -  4 Zeppelin Coffee Cans and Saucers, reproduction purchased at Friedrichshafen Museum 20 years ago. Marked on base Schonwald Germany 9102. Sold separately and in perfect condition. - £45 each cup and saucer. £160 if purchased together.
Z490 - Late 19thc. Antique Inuit/Eskimo knife with certificate of authenticity. 5 5/8" long, 1/2" thick and the blade is 1 1/8" in excellent overall condition  - £110
Z470 - A coloured print of the Zeppelin exploding.  Flight Sub. Lieutenant R.A.J. Warneford. V.V was awarded the Cross for destroying a Zeppelin between Ghent and Brussels, at a height of 6000 feet.  As a result of the explosion of the Zeppelin, his Morane monoplane turned upside down.  He succeeded in righting the machine, but was obliged to land in the enemy country, where he restarted his engine and safely returned.  enclosed in a mable frame. - £30
Z474 - Vintage Arctic Snow Goggles - Condition: linen has wear and crack to yellow lense - £110
Z477 - 2 Card holders for bronze death plaques (dead man's penny) - £30 for two
Z482 - WW1 Officers Magtnifying glass rod in leather case for map reading 5.5" long - £40
Z481 - WW1 Letter Opener in the shape of a cross with bullets marked C.F.S. - 1916 - 12.75" long - £35
Z483 - WW1 Officers magtnifying map reading magnifying glass stamped 5th Cavalry Division also stamped Return to General Staff - £48
Z485 - WW1 Wooden pipe with plated end - £20
Z451 - Old matchbox marked on front Fragments of Zeppelins. Sept 3rd and 23rd 1916, now in the possession of G.H. Buncombe Esq. it contains a number of items of wreckage. See photograph. - £195

Z453 -

Envelope saying. This is a piece of wire of the first Zeppelin brought down at Cuffley, Herts, September 3rd, 1916. The wire having been given to The British Red Cross Society by H.M. War Office, it is being sold to help the wounded at the front - Price 1 shilling.

Condition tear to envelope as per picture.


Z438 - Original Souvenir Paper Serviette printed souvenir in affectionate remembrance of the R101 heroes who lost their lives in France on Sunday October 5th 1930 buried at St. Mary's Churchyard from the Memorial Service in Cardington on Sunday 16th November 1930.  Listing the dead in modern framing behind acrillic cover original colouring still there - £150
Z455 - Photo Postcard of The Wrecked Zeppelin, Cuffley, 3rd September 1916 - £35
Z457 - Postcard of Propeller Blade. 9 ft. 1" long from Zeppelin destroyed by Lt. Lieff Robinson V.C. found by Sergt. F. Whiteman Smith MT ASC, 60 yeards from scene of wreck and submitted to Home Defences Horse Gaurds, Whitehall, London for inspection - £30
Z458 - Photo postcard of 3 Gallant Airmen - The Zeppelin Strafers Lt. Robinson V.C. - Lt. Tempest D.S.O. and Lt Sowrey D.S.O. - SOLD
Z459 - Photo postcard of Lt. Fredk. Sowrey D.S.O. - £30
Z460 - Original Photograph of German Zeppelin Airmen - 17 cms x 12 cms. Conditiopn : nip on corner and small tear to bottom of photograph - £55
Z461 - Original Photograph of The R 101 Disaster, Oct. 7th. Generl View of the procession of the victims through Beauvais, on the first stage of their return home to England. some damage. 26 cms x 20 cms. - £45
Z462 - Photo postcard of Graf Zeppelin LZ1 - £30
Z463 - Photo postcard of Zeppelin wreckage Dunstable May 1909 - £30
Z464 - Photo postcard of R101 on Mast - £35


Z465 - Postcard showing Graf Zeppelins - £30
Z466 - Original photo of R101 on Mast 19 cms x 14 cms- £45
Z107-6 stamped original sepia photo by Photopress , 10" x 8" shows Graf Zeppelin over the Old Bailey ,London 18 August 1931 , Large photo
Z102-1 stamped original sepia photo by Photopress, 10" x 8" , shows Graf Zeppelin over Fleet Street , August 1931
Z103-2 stamped original sepia photo by Photopress, 10" X 7.5" , appears cut to side , shows Graf Zeppelin at Hanworth August 1931
Z105-4 stamped original sepia photo by Photopress, 8" x 6" shows Graf Zeppelin landing at Hanworth UK 18 August 1931 

Z437 - Collection of Books on Zeppelins & Airships to include:-


The Zeppelin Fighters by Arch Whitehouse

The Zeppelin in Combat 1912-1918 by Douglas H. Robinson Published by Foulis

Zeppelins Over England by Von Buttlar published by Harrap signed on insi8de C.R. Dunlop 6/4/32

About Airships by E.F. Spanner 1st Edition Jan. 1929

Airwreck by Len Deighton & Arnold Schwartzman

Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection -



Z436 - Gilt Fob with Green Stone. Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection - £15
Z433 -Royal Flying Corp Cap Badge - (3 cms X 2.5 cms) -Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection -SOLD

Z434 - RFC Badge in gilt with Crown Above.

Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection -SOLD


Z431 - Booklet of Souvenir photographs of the Wrecked Zeppelin L21 shot down by Lt. William Leefe Robinson V.C. Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection - £55

Z432 - 2 WW1 Silver plated cases, one a vespa case with original matches and the other a coin case with stamp box.

Vespa Case 5 cms x 3.5 cms marked on front G.W. Richards 1914

Coin case/Stamp box holding original farthing coin 5 cms x 3 cms. Provenance Late John Alan Gair collection


Z427 - Photo-postcard of R-100 on mask at Cardington, Beds. - £30

Z426 - WW1 Brass Trenchart Lighter making use of 2 coins on each side, one French, One English. Needs flint.

Dimensions - Height 2".


Z425 - WW1 Brass Trenchart Egg Cup fashioned out of base of shell with Coat of Arms

Dimenions: Height 2" x 2.25" width


Z424 - WW1 Brass Trenchart item in the form of a rifle neatly made

Dimensions - 5.5"


Z423 - WW2 Trenchart Central Firing Pin, stamped FC. believed to be from tank shell. Base marked 1939 No 17 II N -

Dimensions 4.75"


Z422 - WW1 Trenchart Brass Bi-Plane of British Aircraft. Good rotating Prop and wheels.

Dimensions: 4" across


Z421 - Neat WW1 Brass Trenchart model of British Bi-Plane, wingspan 3.5". Very good condition. Prop rotates


Z420 - 2 Examples of WW1 Trenchart Officers Caps made of Brass and Copper. Neatly made

Dimensions:- 2.25"

£110 pair

Z419 - Unusual WW1 Trenchart depiction of WW1 Lorry I think intended to be a 'Dennis' Lorry. Made of Brass and Copper.

Several renewed weldings. Wheels rotate freely.

Dimensions:- 6" x 3"


Z417 - WW1 Trenchart Brass/Aluminium Tank. Tank was intended as barbed wire clearance vehicle with machineguns.

Dimensions:- 4" x 2".


Z416 - Unusual WW1 Trenchart Wooden Tank made into a moneybox

Dimentions: 11"x 5"

Has 5 movable machineguns.


Z415 - 4 Original Miniatures of Various Airships each one identified by artist on reverse:-

ASTRA 'T' Airship, Army II. France 1914

Zeppelin over Dover - 1917

RE6 Balloon Sect. St. Pelo 1917

R.N.A.S. Scout II Capelle Ferry 1914

Dimentions: 2" x 1.5"


Z414 - Jacobs biscuits Tin containing 24 pieces of Zeppelin L33 shot down over Essex mainly radiator piping.  Tin dimentions 8.5" x 7". - £450
Z410 - Victorian made Trenchart Scoop date 1885, time of 3rd Burmese War. 11" long, also stamped G & B WD. - £125
Z407 - A set of Commercial original photographs (missing number 9) showing construction moments of the Hindenburg.  References on back with numbers using old German spelling.  Have tried to translate as best possible to be helpful. Size of photograph 3.5" x 2.5". Bought from family who collected same over 50 years ago.  Descriptions in photographs attached. - SOLD
Z406 - Memorial Card from 1930 issued in memory of those lost tragically in R101 crash in France listing those who perished. 4.5" x 3". - £110
Z405 - 3 Original Amateur Photographs showing Hindenburg flying over Southampton, Hampshire, U.K. 5th July 1936. 3" long x 2.25" with protective cover. 11" x 7.5". - £180
Z404 - WW1 Sweetheart Brooch, made from wreckage picked up from crash site near Theberton, Suffolk. L48, 17th June, 1917, unusually made into shape of RFC Wings, marked ZEPP 48. 2.5". - SOLD
Z399 - Tubing piece from Potters Bar Zeppelin 4.5" x 1" diameter, old label reads: PIECE OF THE ZEPPELIN SHOT DOWN AT POTTERS BAR 1916 - £130
Z395 - Photopostcard of R33 on Mast. Written on reverse R33 Flight 1919 Scrapped 1928 G-FAAG - £30
Z389 -WW1 British made Trenchart Brass button hook. 5.75" length. - £40
Z388 -WW1 Trenchart tabacco jar in excellent condition, with RAMC badges affixed to it.  5" high x 3.5" diameter. - £120


Z385 - WW1 Brass Trenchart heavy double inkwell with French and English coins as lids.  Piece is etched with rising sun and words SOUVENIR LA FLAOUE, on front 1914 FRANCE 1919. Width 7".                                                             Height 5.5" - £70


Z373 - WW1 Trenchart Scimitar shaped Brass Letter opener marked WELT KRIEG 1914-18, on reverse Souvenir de France. 8" long. - £35

Z371 - WW1 Trenchart Brass Letter opener marked DOULLEN  on reverse 1918  with etched wings with Prussian crown above. Length 6.25". Provenance JOHN GAIR collection - £40

Z374 - WW1 Brass Letter opener marked OTTO RICHTER RADFAHR BATTL No.7 on reverse FRANCE. 6" long. - £40
Z379 - Trenchart WW1 Brass Lighter Flint Expired. 2" marked with the village of Albert. Made in form of a book. Provenance JOHN GAIR own collection - £75
Z380 - Trenchart WW1 Brass Letter Opener Marked BAPAUME 1917 Provenance JOHN GAIR own collection - £35
Z383 - Heavy WW1 Trench Art Shell Case made into a Tobacco Jar with Applied R.A.M.C. Badges and half bullet heads. 7" high. 3.5" diameter. Base marked DLZ 1916. HL27 ST19 Provenance: John Gair Own Collection - £225
Z384 - WW1 Trench Art Shell Case made into lidded inkwell. 4" diameter. Marked underneath SL54 Oct 1914 Imperial Prussian Crown MGZ Polte Magdeburg Provenance: John Gair own collection. - £125
Z358 - Scimitar shaped wreckage piece from L85 brought down Salonika by Naval gunfire with very unusual bullet handle having turkish emblem. - £125
Z357 - Trinket box made from propellor boss of SOPWITH CAMEL. Provenance. ex. Warner Dailey collection. £75
Z356 - 23 cm Long Relief of L15 set on wooden plaque. Comes with a framed press cutting which reads "ESCAPE IN A CLOUD - ZEPPELIN THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN HIT AT DOVER. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT, Dover, Monday. It is estimated that between 30 and 40 bombs were thrown by the Zeppelins while in the Kent coast district and including St Margaret's Bay. After hurling boms in "   Good size from this rare Zeppelin came from house in Dover where family member obtained same in 1916.  ex. Warner Dailey collection available when Warner sold collection in 2016 - SOLD



Z334 - Photo postcard of L12 downed in the English Channel being towed to Ostend where caught fire and destroyed - £30

The following up to Z328 all from the wreckage of SL11 bought down at Cuffley September 1916, shot down by Lieff Robinson who was awarded the V.C. Sold off by the Whitehall Museum of War

Z327 - Strut? 5" - £80
Z326 - Pipe joint (unscrews) 2.5" long - £280
Z325 - Pipe 4" x 1.5" - £120
Z324 - Pipe/Strut 11" x 1" - £220
Z323b - Metal plate part 3" x 1" - £120
Z320 - Rod 11" long - £180
Z319 - Piping 5" long good piece - £275
Z318 - Miscellaneous unit 4" x 4" - £180
Z317 - Control lever 4" x 2.5" - £300
Z316 - Small motor 2.5" diameter - £250
Z315 - Piston part 7" x 4" - SOLD
Z312 - Ex. Whitehall Museum - 3 Panels from LZ130, 9" x 4", 10" x 2", 5" x 4" - £250
Z311 - From the Whitehall Museum sale part of engine valve roller from LZ130/Graff 2. 13" long - £180
Z309 - The following items up to Z309EEE are all items from the disbanding of the Whitehall Theatre of War London War Museum, 14 Whitehall, London SW1, a label accompanies each of the following items for sale all pieces are from the last Hindenburg class Zeppelin built numbered LZ130 and referred to as Graf Zeppelin 2 dismantled in 1940 for Hitler's war effort to build more planes with its material. .  All have museum and description labels.

Z309AA - Piece of engine block (Mercedes Benz engine) 10" x 4.5" - £225

Provenance as above

Z309C - 3 of panels 7.5" x 6", 8" x 4", 8.5" x 6" - £350

Provenance as above

Z309D - Piece of framework 6.75" x 2" - £200

Provenance as above

Z308D - Photo stamped Ensign Snapshot service No. H170 3.25" x 2.25" undershot of Norge N1 over Norfolk 1926 - £50
Z308E - Photo of R100 moored up to Mast Tower Ink hand written Cardington 17th December 1929. 3.25" x 2.25" - £60
Z308G - Sepia Photo of R33 on Mooring mast Pulham 4.75" x 3.75" prior to tests with biplanes as seen slung underneath for launching at altitude. £65
Z308I - Photo print of sheds 1 and 2 Cardington on approach to mast - £30
Z308K - 6.5" xz 4.75" taken in Old House garden standing left in plus fours possibly Captain Meagher others ? anybody know? - £20
  Z294 - Z305 - Collection of Zeppelin Photocards from 1900-1927 plus Graff original photos collected during WW2 in America
Z303 - Original night-time photograph of Zeppelin factory - £15
Z302 - Original official photograph of Zeppelin factory extension, stamed on reverse - £25
Z301 - 2 postcards, one shows Helgoland with stamp on reverse showing franked on board mail ship (see photograph) - £30. Other postcard Propaganda postcard of bombing England by Zeppelin - £10
Z299 - Photocard of Count Von Zeppelin circa 1900 - £15
Z298 - 2 photocards ( sold separately) of Airships from 1900-1927 - Friedrichschafen, issued byZeppelin G.m.b.H. LZ126 - ZR3 (1924) + LZ120 flying over the Bodensee 1919 - £20 each
Z295 - 4 photocards (all sold separately) of Airships from 1900-1927 - Friedrichschafen, issued by Zeppelin G.m.b.H. LZ4, Echterdinger Schiff - 1908- £15. LZ6 - 1909. SOLD.LZ7 Deutschland. 1910. - £15. LZ10 Schwaben, 1911- SOLD
Z294 - 4 photocards (all sold separately) of Airships from 1900-1927 - Friedrichschafen, issued by Zeppelin G.m.b.H. Die Schwimende Halle bei Manzell mit dem LZ1 - 1900- £15. LZ1, 2 Juli 1900 - £15 . LZ3, ZI, 1909. - £15. LZ3, 1905. £15
Z287 - Framed photo on fabric supplied by Air Ministry with part of Dacal from a Hurricane fighter No. 1 Squadron hand written note on reverse reads: - TAKEN FROM CRASHED HURRICANE IN 1944 NEAR BIGGIN HILL, PHOTO FROM AIR MINISTRY ON PARCHMENT. FRAME SIZE 14" X 12" -SOLD
Z279 - 2 Photos in one frame Pictures 8.5" x 6.5" marked on back Hon. Rolls, Paris October 1907 Airship "Ville De Paris" in the shed SOLD
Z278 - - 3  Original Shenendoah Airship Photographs 10.5 x 5.5" in contemporary frames all signed CLEMENTS - £80 each
Z223 - Rare French made cigarette/Cigar holder and ashtray combination as used on Passenger Airships, i.e. Graf Zeppelin/Hindenburg. 52 long (Provenance John Gair own collection) - £225
Z269 - Original newspaper pages from Daily Express 8th October, 1930.R101 - £50
Z267N - 2 small original private photographs of R101 wreakage at Beauvais each 4.5" x 3" - £80 for 2
Z267I - Original photograph outside St. Paul's Cathedral at the memorial service for R101 victims 10th October, 1930 full details on back of photograph. 7" x 5". - £45
Z267F - Original photograph of dignaturies in procession Beauvais R101 funeral, 7" x 5" - £25
Z267E - Original photograph of Pompiers at Mayor's office, Ablonne, 7" x 5", October 1930. - £25
Z267B - Original Photograph of Hugo Eckener and others at memorial in Cardington, October 1930. Dimentions 7" x 5" - SOLD
  Z265 - Historic Group of mostly original photographs, all collected by 2nd Lieutenant C.M. Harrison FRC RNAS also being a Balloon trained officer.  Photos from 1911 through to 1930 R100/R101 Graf and later aircraft bought from Grandson.  Note many items have handwritten additional information on back.  Pictures listed below. prices given against reference number quoted.
H8 - Original photograph 26th April, 1930. R100 and Graf some corner damage. 12" x 10" £70
H13- Original Photograph Graf Zeppelin over Tower Bridge on first visit to U.K. 26th April, 1930. 12" x 10"£70
H14 - Unusual view of Graf Zeppelin from underneath on first visit to U.K. 26th April, 1930. 12 x 10"SOLD
H18 - Graf Zeppelin postcard photo over Toulon 1930 £15
H22 - Original Photo of Labaudy control car taken 1911 7" x 5" - £30
H24 Postcard photo of GAMMA taken 1912 5.5" x 3.5" - £25
H25 - French Postcard airship/seaplanes 1920's - £15
H26 - Original photo Balloonish Parachutes down 8" x 5.25" - £35
H27 - Original photo of Balloonest parachuting down 6" x 5". £30
H31 - Postcard photo German sold Parseval in 1911 - £20
H32 - Postcard photo of GAMMA at Aldershop 1912- £20
H36 - Postcard photo of aftermath of the famous aviator SF Cody Fatal airship crash 1913 - £35
H38 - Photocard Boer War naval 13 Pounder - £35
H39 - Postcard SPA 1919 German and Turkish Surrender Generals at WW1 Wars end  - £20
H40 - Original photo 8.5" x 6.5" of planes from 17 Squadron prior to fatal accident described on back 8.5" x 6.5" 1st October 1930. - £35
H41 - Original photo of Imperial Airways Handley Page Aircraft - SOLD
H42 - Original photo of the then Giant Dornier at Calshot 10th November 1930. -SOLD
H43 - Original Photo Dornier largest Seaplane existing at that time at Calshot 1930 -SOLD
H44 - Prince of Wales Visits the Dornier which was enroute to Germany to the Americas in November 1930 - £40
H45 - WW2 Group of 6 photos showing damage in Sanderstead area after an airraid 8.5" x 6" - £50
Z245 - 8 Original issue photocards 6.5 x 4.5" of Graf Zeppelin/Bodensee and other Zeppelins - £240 the group

Z241     Book 1 of Zeppelin Weltfahrten History almost complete containing 274 photo cards  3 missing -£160

Z231 - WW1 Trench Art Tank, dimensions 4.5" x 3.75" overall. excellent example - £160

Z200 - Photocard of L48 crashed Plus a drawing from a 17 card set of Crash Sites - £30 - (The other 2 photcards are sold)

REF. Z63 - £15
Z442 - Framed photograph of L48 with 3 original brooches from Zeppelin L48 17.6.17. Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection - SOLD
Z439 -Wreckage & Fragment of the Zeppelin L33 shot down September 24th, 1916 4 pieces of wreckage & RFC badge also old label. 7.5" x 5.5". L33 was hit by anti-aircraft fire. It was also attacked by 39 Home Defence Squadron night fighters from Hainault Farm and hit several times (credit for disabling given to B.E.2c No. 4544 piloted by Alfred de Bathe Brandon), Damaged L.33 finally came down intact near New Hall Cottages, Little Wigborough, six miles south east of Colchester, Essex. 7 cms high and 5 cms across base.  - Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection - SOLD
Z480 - Solid Silver I.D. Bracelet marked Stewart Robertson R.A.F. on reverse From Millie, June 1918 -SOLD
Z476 - WW1 Princess Mary Bullet Pencil on Card - SOLD
Z475 - Genuine WW1 Mary Tin with the full contents comprising: Christ Card and Photograph of Princess Mary, Envelope, Card from The Royal Scots, Cigarettes, Tobacco and Bullet Pencil. Tin dated Christmas 1914 - £265 SOLD
Z489 - Walnut framed cotton/silk? souvenir of the wreckage of the Salonique Airship.  LZ85, on the 5th May 1916. Measurements: 14" x 14". - SOLD

Z494 - Zeppelin Wreckage Iron cross shaped medalion from Zeppelin L33

Excitement came to the small village of Little Wigborough on the night of 24 September 1916, with the crash of the German Zeppelin airship L33. The airship had been on a bombing raid over London and was returning to Germany. She was, however, hit by gunfire over the East End and she then struggled to stay aloft. The medalion measures 2. cms x 2 cms. it has been made as a pendant.  - SOLD

Z510 - 2 off WW1 Sweetheart Brooches from Zeppelin Wreckage, one plain but no damage measuring 4.5 cms, second one has damage to tail 6 cms. - SOLD
Z509 - WW1 Sweetheart brooch made from the wreckage of Zeppelin L33, Little Wigborough Airship, Plus 2 postcards of L33 The airship had been on a bombing raid over London and was returning to Germany. She was, however, hit by gunfire over the East End and she then struggled to stay aloft. It measures 1.5" (4 cms) - SOLD
Z504 - Button with airship circa 1910 - 1/2 inch in diameter - SOLD
Z505 - 4 WW1 Epulettes showing Propeller & Wings, measures 1.5" diameter - £30 x 4 -SOLD
Z516 - WW1 - Part of incendiary bomb dropped from a Zeppelin during raid on Woolwich. Oct 13th, 1915 SOLD

Z522 - Zeppelin wreckage with original label saying "Portion of Zeppelin brought down at Billericay.  L32 brought down at Billericay, Essex in 1916 by 2nd Lieut. Fred. Sowrey, Royal Flying Corps. 4.5".


Z529 - Watercolour of German Zeppelin in Walnut Frame 10" X 8.5" with signature. -SOLD
Z530 -WW1 Rifle Butt with Canadian Mapleleaf with an inset photograph of two WW1 soldiers, possibly Canadian. 11" x 4 1/4". - SOLD
Z525 - Memorial ring made out of wreckage of Zeppelin, dated inside ring 1916-1917. with cross on front of ring. - SOLD
Z533 - A large partially scrtatch built diorama depicting the shooting down of a Zeppelin by a British Bi-Plane, the airship marked L31 and with applied flames and smoke the Bi-Plane climbing away to the left, a model village below and the backing board painted to represent a night sky with searchlights all within a deep glazed frame measuring 52 cms x 100 cms.  It is not clear which Zeppelin it represents since the German Navy Airship LZ31 was destroyed by an accident in its hangar. - SOLD
Z493 - Very unusual Zeppelin Wreckage of a memorial saying In Memory of the L33 which fell 24.9.16. all made from the wreckage of L33. L33 was hit by anti-aircraft fire. It was also attacked by 39 Home Defence Squadron night fighters from Hainault Farm and hit several times (credit for disabling given to B.E.2c No. 4544 piloted by Alfred de Bathe Brandon), Damaged L.33 finally came down intact near New Hall Cottages, Little Wigborough, six miles south east of Colchester, Essex. 7 cms high and 5 cms across base. SOLD

Z512 - Superb collection of 12 pieces of wreckage from Zeppelin L33, the airship had been on a bombing raid over London and was returning to Germany. She was, however, hit by gunfire over the East End and she then struggled to stay aloft, she eventually landed at Little Wigborough, Essex.It was also attacked by 39 Home Defence Squadron night fighters from Hainault Farm and hit several times (credit for disabling given to B.E.2c No. 4544 piloted by Alfred de Bathe Brandon), Damaged L.33 finally came down intact near New Hall Cottages, Little Wigborough, six miles south east of Colchester, Essex. The letter is from Auntie Hilda, of 4 Harley Street, Mayfair, London. it reads:-

Dear David & Mary, Uncle Stanley and I went to see the Zeppelin which came down near Colchester the other day and the crew were taken prisoners, so I am sending you some little bits of it that the man in charge let me bring away as I thought you might like to see the stuff it is made of.  The cross piece is aluminium and is a bit of the frame work - the grating is from the radiator, the triangular piece of sticky stuff is part of one of the balloonettes which holds the gas and the other pieces of charred stuff is part of the whole covering of the envelope of the ship.  These too last have nearly all been burnt away as the germans set fire to it when they left it. - It must have made a lovely blaze as it is 550 feet long! But the frame work, engines and propellers are nearly complete so it was a fine sight.  I hope you are both well and I wish you both many Happy Returns of your birthdays.  Will you please tell Mummy that I am expecting her to lunchy with me on Wednesday, Peter sends his love.  Your affectionate Auntie Hilda.

Z512 -SOLD

Z521 - WW1 - 3 Pieces of Zeppelin L48 Theberton Airship plus 2 Postcards. Downed on June 17th 1917. The Cross girders measure 11.5" x 9" and 10.5" x 9", the radiator piece measures 5".SOLD
Z495- Zeppelin Wreckage from Zeppelin L33, Little Wigborough Airship (see details on Z494 and Z493) Napkin ring, written on ring ZEPP L33, WRECKED IN ESSEX 24/9/16 - 4 cms diameter - SOLD

Z484 - WW1 Officers Canvas Stationery folder with Princess Mary Monogram- Christmas Fund 1914 consists of bullet pencil, envelopes and writing paper. SOLD

Z467 - Wood Hub of De Haviland DH4 Propeller shot down in WW1. Pilot survived and brought Boss home in 1918 as souvenir - 13" x 9" x 6.25" - SOLD
Z454 - Cross made from the wreckage of L48 Theperton Airship dated 17.6.17. Shot down at Orfordness, 16 of the Zeppelin crew died as it fell blazing into a Suffolk field. There were 3 survivors from the crash of Zeppelin L48 on June 17th, 1917. at Theberton near Leiston, the first and last men to escape from an airship in England, another died from his burns on the last day of the war.  The medalion measures 2.5 cms x 2.5 cms. it has been made as a pendant.  - SOLD

Z450- - Original Picture frame with Rivet from L32, shot down at Billericay, Essex 1916. It reads:

L32 Maiden Fl;ight 4/8/16. Commissioned 8/8/16 Build at Friedrichshafen. Main material Duraliumnium. Building works No LZ74. Type "R" Length 649. 59 ft. Dia. 78.41 ft. Total height 90.83 ft.Hydrogen capacity I.949.600 cu. ft. in 19 cells.Powered by 6 Maybach model H.S.L.V. petrol engines. max speed in still air 62.6 mph.  Ceiling height 17,000 ft. Gross lift 64.4 tons.  Com,maned by OB/LT Peterson with 21 crew. Ex. Officer Lt.S  Brodruck RFC of No. 39 Squd.  The remains falling south of Billeriocay, Essex.  All on board perished and are buried in a mass grave at Great Burstead.  This shard fragment from the L32 is Sold in Aid of the War Widows Assoc. Reg. No. 21.  Signed F. SOWREY R.F.C.

Measurements 12.5" x 8.5"/

Size of Rivet 2" x 2"

Provenance: John A. Gair collection - SOLD

Z448 - Piece of Strut of Zeppelin Wreckage salvaged from the crashsite of the Great War German Zeppelin L32 brought down at Billericay, Essex in 1916 by 2nd Lieut. Fred. Sowrey, Royal Flying Corps. Engraved ZEPPELIN L32 24.9.16 (6.5 cms length x 2 cm width) - SOLD

Provenance: Late John Gair collection

Z402 - Zeppelin wire Brooch from SL11 Cuffley Airship sold in aid of British Red Cross Society.  Unusual shape being RFC goggles..  Provenance on reverse of envelope reading - Given to Mrs Pascell, 121 St. Thomas Road when she was a membger of the Red Cross during the 1WW 1914-1918. Dec. 27th 1878-1951. Measurements size of goggles 1.5" x 0.5". Envelope 2" across - SOLD
Z401 - 2 Pieces of Zeppelin Wreckage salvaged from the crashsite of the Great War German Zeppelin L32 brought down at Billericay, Essex in 1916 by 2nd Lieut. Fred. Sowrey, Royal Flying Corps. Rib section approx. approx 5 x 2"/ Good piece of a main strut with piece of cross strut still attached 2.5" x 2". With its finder's label stating :- salvaged from Zeppelin, Billericay 1916, Lionel Smythe. - SOLD
Z398 - Spar from L31 - 7" long, 1" width, old label reads SECTION OF METAL ALLOYS AIRFRAME FROM THE AIRSHIP CRASH SITE POTTERS BAR 1916 - SOLD
Z521 - WW1 - 3 Pieces of Zeppelin L48 Theberton Airship plus 2 Postcards. Downed on June 17th 1917. The Cross girders measure 11.5" x 9" and 10.5" x 9", the radiator piece measures 5".SOLD
Z393 - Large flat wreckage panel imprinted with the wording - "1916 SHOT DOWN GERMAN L32 ZEPPELIN.  L32 was shot down at Billercay, 1916. - SOLD
Z378 - 2 off Duty Brass Plates. Coldstream No. 24096510 F. Hutt and Grenadier 5821839 G. Collett. Provenance JOHN GAIR own collection _ Genadiers Guard sold. Coldstream Guards -SOLD
Z282 - 18 ct. Gold medallion depicting profiles of Von Zeppelin and Eckener 1898-1928 reverse shows Graff Zeppelin over Ocean Weltfahrt August 1929, Nearly extremely fine condition. 22 mm diameter -SOLD
Z267D - Original Photograph of funeral procession forming up in Beauvais for the R101 victims. 7" x 5". October 1930. - SOLD
Z267L - Original photograph of Cardington team who worked on gas holders for R101. 8.5" x 6.5" -SOLD
Z267D - Original Photograph of funeral procession forming up in Beauvais for the R101 victims. 7" x 5". October 1930. - SOLD
Z267C - Original Photograph of Hugo Eckener and assistant walking in funeral procession in London saying farewell to the R101 dead, full description on verso -SOLD
Z267B - Original Photograph of Hugo Eckener and others at memorial in Cardington, October 1930. Dimentions 7" x 5" - SOLD
z508 - A quantity of WW1 wreckage from Zeppelin L21 shot down by Lt. Lief Robinson at Cuffley, Essex. There is an old label saying: brought down by Lieut. W.C. Robinson V.C. Hounslow Regt & Royal Flying Corps at Cuffley, Hertfordshire, September 3rd 1916 -SOLD
Z492 - Wreckage from ZeppelinL21 shot down by Lt. Lieff Robinson on 3rd September 1916 and sold for the benefit of the L. & N.W.R. War Seal Fund. 4 cms x 4 cms .SOLD
Z456 - Genuine Photograph of Zeppelin NORGE 6 cms x 8.5 cms, May 12th, 1926 the airship Norge designed and commanded by Umberto Nobile became the first aircraft to reach the North Pole on an exhibition organized by Norwegian Roald Amundsen & American Lincoln Ellsworth - SOLD
H20 - Original photograph of the ill fated AKRON and MACON over Empire State Building, New York 1935 SOLD
Z488 - Silver Tea Caddy spoon celebrating the NORGE airship reaching the North Pole. (The Norge was a semi-rigid Italian-built airship that carried out the first verified trip of any kind to the North Pole, an overflight on 12 May 1926 Side portrait views of Ellsworth, Amundsen and Nobile on the tip of the spoon.  One the bowl of the spoon a picture of The Norge flying over the North Pole with the three flags. Length 5 1.4"  SOLD
Z520 - WW1 - Canadian Bullet taken from "buttock" of Bosche at Hill 70 by Capt. King - SOLD
Z506 - WW1 Zeppelin wreckage made into a heart shaped ring, initials on the front of ringSOLD
Z433 -Royal Flying Corp Cap Badge - (3 cms X 2.5 cms) -Provenance:- Late John Alan Gair collection -SOLD
Z523 - Piece of Zeppelin wreckage, cross structure. 3.25" x 3". -SOLD


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In the United Kingdom.

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Property of John Gair

Last revised 28 February 2025























Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved.
 Property of John Gair
 Last revised: 28 February 2025